Work is typically the first and often only benchmark men use to gauge success. Societal pressure scores us here. High achievers are externally successful but society’s scoreboard for achievement falls short of the mark. For those who have realized some financial success, we are too often left wanting more.

We’re prone to focusing on specific goals — making money, for example, and we set targets and judge ourselves accordingly. But we do so at the expense of our self, health (diet, physical), inner peace, and family and marriage.

True success requires redefining our targets. Start by:

  1. Examining life in the context of SHIFT: Self, Health, Inner Peace, Family and Trade.

2. Pinpointing gaps: where you are now and where you need to be.

3. Developing your life vision.

4. Taking actionable steps to claim it.

This journey is less about mastery, reaching a point where we’ve arrived, experience Nirvana and pronounce ourselves complete. Instead, think of it as starting down an enlightened path, setting clear targets, monitoring progress, while reclaiming what’s most important to you.

Transitions are a part of life. Whether or not we evolve is up to us. Plenty of men are left stuck, failing to see the opportunities in front of them. For high performing men like you, remaining stuck is not an option. Forging ahead is what you do.

My intent is to supply you with the proper tools, preparing you for which actions to take when you need them most. Armed with this new knowledge-set, I’m confident you too, will be successful.

This is a wake-up call.

Your new life is here for the taking and is far superior to what you’re struggling with now. To claim it entails introspection, training and honesty.

If you’re willing to do the work, you have the potential to become so much more. Think of it as graduating from a life in which you are getting by, to one in which you are in full control, getting the results you want.

Taking the path of least resistance won’t work, nor will living a soft life of eternal com- fort. This journey is not an easy one, but the work required pales in comparison to the emptiness you will feel by not claiming the life you’re destined to live.

My goal is for you to master in months, what took me years. It’s about you getting meaningful results, crucial to winning on key fronts.

  1. Self. Ignite the adventure, change your story, find your spirituality, eliminate apathy, revamp your decision-making, join the brotherhood and overhaul your brand.

2. Health. Eliminate life-threatening foods, alter your under- standing of a workout, increase energy, live longer and earn your rest.

3. Inner Peace. Eliminate self-deception, end anger, stop sedating, gain influence and take-back control.

4. Family/Marriage. Give your children the best childhood possible. Lead at home, reduce role confusion, learn to for- give, affair-proof your marriage, reinvigorate your sex life and enjoy ego-free decision-making.

5. Trade (work). Our identities are inextricably linked to what we do. I offer a new perspective — how to make more, while working less. Doing what counts, managing time, delegating, and reflecting.

Life has evolved and it’s time for us to evolve along with it. Get ready to elevate your game; understanding how to master these core areas will enhance your quality of life. It’s all within your control.

Change begins with you. After years of pointing the finger at everything and everyone in my life who needed to change, I finally accepted the only person I could change is myself. The questions then becomes, how to process, implement, and deliver results.

Most of us men missed out on the self-help teachings the women in our lives embraced some time ago. This was by choice. We thought we could figure it out on our own. I ask you, what in your life works well long-term with this approach? Is winging it really, an effective strategy? The way forward for high achieving men differs from what works for women and our advancement is not at their expense but rather, for a collective benefit.

Take the assessment. Let’s examine where you are, within these five core areasNot where you want to be but where you are today. Complete the exercises with brutal honesty.

Go to StewartRoberts.com/assessment. It arms you with insight regarding your current trajectory and your likelihood of experiencing challenges and crisis based on your performance. It takes only a few minutes to complete. See how your scores correlate to long-term success. Your performance will be scored across the following categories.

Self: Will you reflect later on as someone who lived your best life? Or will you be confronted with a long list of intended pursuits without time to fulfill them?

Health: What’s your energy level like? Does it allow you to show up in all areas of your life, as a husband, parent and for yourself? Given your current habits, are you likely to make it to 70? How about 80 or 90?

Inner Peace: Are you pleased with how you see yourself and how others view you? Are you aware of and influencing what’s within your control? Do you understand your triggers and have ways to defuse when they are pulled? To what extent do you operate with a high degree of emotional intelligence? Do expectations replace gratitude?

Family/Marriage: How would you rate your marriage on a scale of 1–10? What would your wife’s ranking be? If you continue down the path your marriage is on, where will you end up? Will your marriage survive or are you likely to end up divorced? If you were to die unexpectedly within the next year, what memories would your children carry with them for the rest of their life?

Trade: Does your job define your purpose? Are you on the path to achieving your life’s greatest work?

Take the test for free once. After that, the fee is $85. Share your results with friends and compete for mastery across core areas.

After completing the assessment, return to the book for answers on how to improve your score, establishing a new, more relevant benchmark for success.

Congratulations! This is the start of a new chapter in your life. It is one piece in understanding a larger movement taking place within the brotherhood, composed of men winning at life.

Your path to fulfillment begins now.

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